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Our Story

Since 2020, our mission has been to empower and assist our clients in overcoming their personal family challenges. We believe that every family has unique needs, and that's why we're here to provide guidance, support, and assistance at every step. With our extensive experience, we can help you achieve the outcomes that you desire for yourself and your loved ones.​
It's common for us to prioritise others above ourselves, which can sometimes cause us to neglect our relationship with ourselves. This can lead to burnout and compassion fatigue, which is why we specialise in supporting families who are experiencing child-to-parent violence and are at a crisis point. We offer therapeutic parent coaching sessions to help those new or established in therapeutic parenting navigate the stages of childhood through to adolescence.
We know that every family is unique, and that's why our approach is tailored specifically to you. We take the time to understand your needs and goals and provide friendly and customised solutions that deliver the best possible results.​​
The Haven Team at Awards Ceremony
We work closely with many local authorities and other supporting organisations to support families on the edge of care, foster care, and post-adoption sectors. We understand how important it is for families to stay together, and that's why we specialise in interrupting parental compassion fatigue. Our team is made up of experts with years of experience in this field, and we're always here to help.

We're proud to be a partner agency with The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma (CoECT), an umbrella organisation that combines resources, research, and knowledge from cutting-edge experts in the sector. Together with Inspire Training Group, the National Association of Therapeutic Parents (NATP), SAFER Fostering Agency, TRUE Therapeutic Fostering Agency, and the Alternative Education Provision Wickselm House Learning Centre CIC, we're committed to providing the best possible support to families in need. 

Our 3 Steps To Connect  (3SC) Intervention package empowers parents with the necessary tools to overcome child-to-parent violence, implement therapeutic parenting strategies, and prevent compassion fatigue. This has enabled families to thrive together for the long haul, creating a brighter future for all. Connect intervention package empowers parents with the necessary tools to overcome child-to-parent violence, implement therapeutic parenting strategies, and prevent compassion fatigue.
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